Project Description

Kitzbühel | Issue 51 | summer 2022

That is the principle KITZIMMO has adhered to for nearly 20 years. Under the direction of Roman (CEO) and Markus Gobec (CEO) and ongoingly in cooperative harmony with company founder Franz Gobec, KITZIMMO today numbers among the broker enterprises which have been successful in the Kitzbühel region for the longest time.

What makes KITZIMMO so special is doubtless its concentration of real estate and building competencies which the Gobec trio embody. Every client can be assured that real estate is assessed down to the tiniest detail and is mediated in absolutely professional fashion before it is sold. In their crosshairs is invariably a particular property as personal power spot for a given person which is precisely suited to the needs of that person.

Ein Schloss wie im Märchen – verkauft von KITZIMMO.

As far as the presentation of specific properties is concerned, KITZIMMO operates technically at the highest level. “We use a professional-quality drone the way the device is often utilized in movie productions. With it we can make not only high-resolution photos in 4K quality, but also entire films of the properties we represent,” explains Markus Gobec. “Elaborate and detailed high-tech photography is used in a dazzling manner to present the interior rooms by means of professional software,” elucidates Roman Gobec.

It’s understood from the start that absolute discretion and professionality are self-evident. And on the same note, the fact that services provided do not come to an end with mediation or sale. “We have some former clients who still call us today. It goes without saying, we stand at their side with counsel and action wherever they need us,” says Franz Gobec. Thus, it is no wonder that such client relationships even turn into friendships over the years.


KITZIMMO – Real Estate – OG
Immobilientreuhänder | Makler | Verwalter | Bauträger
Im Gries 27
A-6370 Kitzbühel
T +43 (0)676 7047120