Project Description


With the B.YOND, the Benetti shipyard developed an almost revolutionary model. Streifzug talked about it with Benetti president Paolo Vitelli.

Streifzug: The concept of the B.YOND has never before been implemented on a yacht of this size. Why has no one before you come up with such a split-level layout?
Paolo Vitelli: Because no one has ever asked such geniuses as Stefano Righini – God rest his soul – and me (laughs). But seriously, we have a lot of experience, 35 years of thinking about how to optimize yachts. This B.YOND is perhaps the essence of that.

Benetti yAcht auf dem Meer

Streifzug: How did the idea come about?
Paolo Vitelli: Back then, we were the first to put a large GRP yacht on the water, and now we are again the first to bring steel as a material to yachts of this size. We dare to leave the old familiar routes when it makes sense. I wanted a stable yacht and had customers like me in mind who might want to spend a few months a year on the yacht. Comfort, lots of windows, and a close connection to the outside world – these were important guidelines. Stefano was then instrumental in the design. In addition, the yacht is extremely environmentally friendly.

Streifzug: In what way?
Paolo Vitelli: We’re using exhaust gas purification technology that is already used in the automotive industry for Euro 6D diesel engines and combining it with Siemens Energy’s innovative E-Mode hybrid system, which is an based on an integrated add-on
architecture. The result is extremely simple management that enables the switch from mechanical to electric drive and vice versa.

Paolo Vitelli gründete Azimut Yachts, übernahm später die Marke Benetti und baute das Duo zum Global Player im Yachting auf.
Interior Benetti Yacht
Terrasse Benetti Yacht

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