Project Description

Kitzbühel | Ausgabe 52 | Winter 2022

“Branding real estate is a veritable art form which demands a certain amount of effort. It rewards you in spades, however,” says Dipl.-Ing. Vera Barnert, certified interior architect and CEO of BE EXTRAORDINARY real estate agency in Munich. In her newly published book entitled “Real Estate as a Brand” she – together with Prof. Dr. Verena König – has dedicated herself intensively to the question of how one can manage to imbue high-end real estate with a sustainable power of differentiation, making it jump into the field of vision of the target audience and blossom into a valuable brand.

B/Extraordinary: Immobilien Marketingagentur

The two authors who are experts in identity-based real estate branding take you by the hand, pull you along a highly professional thread, show you pointedly how you can recognize the emotional needs of your target-audience clients and address them so specifically that your real estate then exercises an irresistible charm upon them. You learn how you generate the deep identity of your brand and position yourself in clear-cut, non-shifting ways. On this basis, a name, a logo, an architectural story and architectural visualizations can be generated which are all consistent and credible with your own brand.

Prof. Dr. Verena König
Dipl-Ing. Vera Barnert

Leseproben und weitere Informationen zu „Die Immobilie als Marke“ finden Sie unter:
Das Buch ist zudem unter der ISBN 978-3-96543-309-0 im Handel erhältlich.

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