Project Description

Kitzbühel | issue 52 | Winter 2022

Stefan Szczesny’s family of shadow figures set out on a journey from the sunny Côte d’Azur to the Kitzbühel Alps. The exhibition in the region begins on 17th December 2022 and lasts until the beginning of April 2023.

Skulpturen des Künstlers Stefan Szczesny

Dancing, bursting with of a lust for life, they invite spectators to give free rein to their fantasy, thereby spreading a liveliness which is as stimulating as a glass of champagne in the cosmopolitan city. A total of 60 sculptures, some deep black, some vivid with colours, step into the landscape, conduct a lively dialogue and disclose their Mediterranean magic in what must surely be an exotic environment to them. The sculptures are viewable against the backdrop of the Kitzbühel Alps. The exhibition wends its way from Pure Resort Westendorf, to Ellmau golf course, up high to the Wochenbrunnalm, then over Reith in Family Hotel Lisi, over the Kitzalm in Kirchberg to Kitzbühel at Schlosshotel Lebenberg, Grand Tirolia all the way to Rosi’s Sonnbergstubn.

Skulpturen des Künstlers Stefan Szczesny bis April in der Region Kitzbühel zu sehen


RL art consulting
Judith Bellmer: T +49 (0)151 18013025
Sylvia Christel: T +49 (0)172 2128277
Persönliche Termine nach Vereinbarung.

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